Being Prepared with Wills, Trusts, & Powers of Attorney During COVID-19


The COVID19 pandemic is REAL and Louisiana is one of the hotbeds of this invisible killer.  In order to protect ourselves and the good health and safety of others, we are all washing our hands like never before; wearing face masks; and keeping our social distance.

But, did you know that in a recent Rasmussen poll, only 4% of Americans fear the loss of their physical health by the Coronavirus?  The overwhelming fear is loss of income; loss of hard-earned assets; not having what you need to protect your family…in sum, not having a legal estate plan in place.  Are you prepared?

If you don’t have a plan in place yet, don’t worry…you are not alone!  Most people know that they need an estate plan and want to set one up, but life is normally so hectic that they never get around to doing it until it’s too late.  Well, life is not normal now. Because of COVID19, most of us have lots of extra time on our hands. Why not take advantage of this extra time, and put your estate plan in place now.

I’m Laura Poche, a Louisiana estate planning attorney and for over 28 years, I’ve helped 1000’s of people preserve their hard-earned assets and protect their families by helping them set up their own rock-solid legal estate plans.

Attend A Free Webinar or Educational Event And Discover How To:

  • Avoid Costs, Delays and Stress of a Louisiana Succession;
  • Avoid losing your family home and life savings to nursing home costs and sitter fees;
  • Create a simple legal estate plan for your family in only 6-7 weeks;
  • Determine whether you need a Will, a Trust, or both;
  • Keep nosey neighbors, identity thieves and the government out of your estate settlement;
  • Start the five-year look-back period for nursing homes;
  • STOP worrying about your estate once and for all!

Join one of my FREE two-hour workshop to learn how to put yours in place very quickly.  And even better, you can do it remotely and from the comfort and safety of your own home. 


Baton Rouge
Monday February 24th
2:00pm – 4:30pm
Poche Law Office
4960 Bluebonnet, Ste. C
Refreshments Provided After


Baton Rouge
Tuesday February 25th
11:00am – 1:30pm
Poche Law Office
4960 Bluebonnet, Ste. C
Lunch Provided After


Baton Rouge
Tuesday February 25th
5:30pm – 8:00pm
Poche Law Office
4960 Bluebonnet, Ste. C
Dinner Provided After


Baton Rouge
Wednesday February 26th
9:30am – 12:00pm
Poche Law Office
4960 Bluebonnet, Ste. C
Lunch Provided After


*Office Location: Baton Rouge – 4960 Bluebonnet Blvd, Suite C

Call our office at 225.224.8099 to save your spot!

Click here to read what our clients are saying about our workshops!

IMPORTANT GUIDELINES FOR OUR WORKSHOPS: Though these webinars are remote and virtual, we do limit the number of people who can join a particular webinar to ensure personalized attention to those who are serious about getting their estate plan in place. Our workshops are open to FIRST-TIME ATTENDEES ONLY and current Poche’ Law Firm clients. The workshops are geared towards people who intend to put a legal estate plan in place in the near future. Please bring your calendar to your workshop should you decide to start your legal estate planning immediately! Finally, if married, both spouses must attend the workshop to ensure that all decision-makers are involved in the family’s coordinated estate plan. Thank you for your attention to these important guidelines for our workshops.

Anyone who attends the webinar will receive a FREE copy of Laura’s book, Estate Planning Advice By A Woman For Louisiana WomenA Guide For Women And Those They Care For About: Wills, Trusts, Probate, Power of Attorney, Medicaid, Living Wills and Taxes.