Entries by laura

Whose Fault When The Nursing Home Takes It All?

Whose Fault When The Nursing Home Takes It All? I met with an amazingly nice couple recently. What I asked them what their main concerns were, they jumped out of their seat and told me that their #1 concern was that they wanted to avoid losing what they had to the nursing home. You see […]

You Don’t Have to be Rich to Have an Estate Worth Protecting

Years ago, the term “estate planning” was a term that described how the wealthy left their many belongings to their heirs. It seemed inappropriate to say that you had an “estate,” when you were struggling to make sure you have enough money to make it through your golden years comfortably. But now virtually everybody has […]

What Is A Revocable Living Trust in 3 Sentences Or Less?

The Revocable Living Trust is used primarily as a Succession avoidance tool in Louisiana. If your assets are titled in your name when you die, your assets titled in your name will be frozen, and your family will have to go through a Succession and obtain court orders, which orders banks, financial institutions, and others […]

All Trusts Are NOT the Same!

While trusts can be confusing at first to the lay person, trusts can be a valuable estate planning tool. Common types of trusts in Louisiana include: • Revocable living trusts. Becoming increasingly popular for Louisiana residents because it allows families to avoid the court-supervised Succession procedure at death and provides for a faster and less-costly […]

A Simple Way to Avoid the CAPITAL GAINS TAX Creep!

The tax that often creeps up and bites people is the capital gains tax. Capital gains tax is paid when you sell an asset that has appreciated in value. For example, if you buy stock for $20,000 and later sell the stock for $100,000, you will have $80,000 of capital gain and you must pay […]